Wet Floor Signs

Wet Floor Signs - Cleaning works may make a slip and trip hazards, particularly for those entering the area being cleaned. Examples include smooth floors are left damp, it will become slippery that could pose a trip hazard.

People often slip on the floor which had been left wet after cleaning. If the spill can not be seen, they are usually ignored. Signs and cones at least be able to warn of danger, even if they do not prevent people from entering the area.

The best way is to stop pedestrian access to smooth wet floor by using barriers, locks the door, or cleaning the parts. In some cases, this method may not be feasible, such as large areas and crowded with people.

Most slips occur on wet or dirty floors that make it slippery. Make sure the cleanup is happening at the right time and run the right way, using the right equipment and products for the job. Make sure the wet floor signs are always used in these circumstances.