First Aid Sign

First Aid Sign - Have you seen a first aid sign in the workplace? What is the purpose of this sign is placed? In the event of injury or sudden illness in the workplace, failure to provide first aid may lead to worse consequences or death of the victim.

The employer shall ensure that workers who are injured or ill at work receive immediate attention before receiving further treatment if necessary.

First-aid equipment should be adequate and appropriate, as well as facilities and personnel on duty to take responsibility for ensuring that their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill in the workplace.

The meaning of 'adequate and appropriate' depends on the situation at the workplace. This includes whether a trained first-aiders are needed, what the items and the quantity should be included in the first aid box and if a first-aid room is required.

Employers need to conduct an assessment of the needs of first aid in the workplace. This involves consideration of workplace hazards and risks, the size of the organisation, the requirements in terms of regulation or legislation, to determine what first-aid equipment, facilities and staff should be provided for the purpose.