Workplace Housekeeping

Workplace Housekeeping - Workplace environment that is not properly maintained, such as slippery floors, and uneven, potholes or cracks, goods or materials that are lying around the work area can result in the risk of workplace housekeeping hazard.

Effect Workplace Housekeeping Hazard Risk to Health and Safety

Accidents related to the housekeeping hazard of workplace may result in minor injury due to slipping or falling (like sprains) or more severe consequences (such as broken bones and death).

Method of Occupational Housekeeping Hazard Risk Prevention
  • Hazard risk can be overcome by practicing good housekeeping.
  • Applying the principles of 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke), Sort, Arrange, Clean, Standard and Sustain.